Next Steps

Where is God leading you?


Every journey starts with a first step. The first step in the Christian journey is to establish a personal relationship with God. There is only one way for this to happen and that is by understanding and believing what Jesus Christ has done for you in making payment for your sins. To learn more click the "I'm Ready" button below!

I'm Ready


Receiving Jesus as Savior is a very personal and private exchange. But it's not only private. Belonging to Jesus also means belonging to His body... called His church. Once a person believes in Jesus a true follower of Jesus will want to identify with the greater body through baptism. Baptism pictures our identification with Jesus and His body. It's your moment to let the world know that you have become a Jesus follower. To request more information about baptism click the "I'm Ready" button below and send us a request.

I'm Ready


Every Christian needs a church family. Membership signifies to the church that you are making a family like commitment and implies that there is a resolve to grow as a family through joy, sorrow, and conflict rather than flee at the first sign of trouble. Members receive personal care by one of our elders who commit to pray for you and oversee your growth as a Christian. To request more information about membership please contact one of the elders.

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We were created in Christ Jesus to do good works. (Ephesians 2:10) Serving is one of the primary ways God grows us! There are many ways people serve within the church to promote its health and smooth operation. Here are just a few: usher, greeter, sound, video, computer, nursery, toddler, Kids Church, missions committee, teachers, teacher helper, musician, kitchen committee, and many more. But there are many more informal ways that we serve each other in simple things like praying, cooking a meal, writing a card, inviting someone for coffee, or sending an encouraging text message. God wants everyone to be actively serving both formally and informally within the church. Serving Christians are healthy Christians. To sign up or request more information, please use the form below.

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Small Groups

God designed us for community. Whether you feel like a “people-person” or not, we all need each other. At Beacon we desire to develop good and Godly friendships with others and each person to grow in their relationship with God. These groups are a great way to do just that.

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