Our Missionaries

While taking the gospel to every man, woman, and child begins at a personal and local level, it also extends to the far reaches of the world. Beacon supports 20 missionaries serving in 14 countries. Three of these missionaries are directly out of our church.

With the help of our missions committee we support all of our missionaries with prayer and financial support, but in recent years we’ve been strengthening our relationships with some of our missionaries to build partnerships and spend time with them on the field. This is especially true of our three home grown missionaries sent out of Beacon. Allow us to introduce…

The Davis Family

Michael and Lindsay came directly to Beacon out of Seminary. He served seven years as youth pastor at Beacon. In high school he had taken a short term missions trip to Ireland that sparked a desire for missions in his heart. After serving at Beacon for seven years, he was invited by a church in Ireland to come and help the struggling church to train pastors with the hope of planting churches. He began raising support, but after a long application process was denied a visa to Ireland. With this closed door, God led them to the discovery of 20Schemes ministry. Michael and his family are currently serving as church planters in Scotland with 20schemes.

The McIntosh Family

Paul and Sharon first visited Beacon in 1998. At that time they were two young internationals who moved here from Malaysia due to Paul’s work as an engineer at Carrier. They grew in their faith during their time with us and when their daughter entered college, they moved back to Paul’s home in Australia. Four years later, God moved them back to Syracuse with an opportunity to pursue a biblical and pastoral studies degree while working at Carrier. After graduation, Paul served as a lay elder at Beacon as he made preparations to return to Australia as a church planter. In 2019, they moved and are now planting church out of Regeneration Night church in Melbourne.

Christine Parker

Chris studied Bible and biblical languages in Bible college and graduate school, and now works as a Bible translation consultant with Bibles International, the Bible Society of Baptist Mid-Missions. As a translation consultant, she works with national Bible translators in Myanmar to assist them in translating the Bible into their own minority languages. Her main role on the translation team is to help ensure the accuracy of the translation compared to the original languages of the Bible. In July of 2021, Beacon became the sending church for Chris.

Faith Promise

Our church supports world missions through Faith Promise giving.
To learn more about Faith Promise click the button below.

Missionaries We Support

- Tim Gwendy Colwell serving in the Yukon Territory
- Dan & Eirana Doyle serving in Latin America
- Juan Carlos & Alejandra Escobar serving in Paraguay
- Justin & Nicole Kennedy serving in Far East Asia
- Jay & Susi Koshy serving on the Syracuse University Campus
- Jerry & Atalias Lantz serving in Brazil
- Andrew & Evangeline McClure serving in Palau
- Terry & Gloria McClure serving in Palau
- Mark & Dana McCutchen serving in Brazil
- New Hope Children's Home in Arequipa, Peru
- Pepe & Maritza Ochoa serving in Ecuador
- Andrew & Leah Postema serving in Romania
- Rubin & Lidia Quiroz serving among Latin Americans in Florida
- Bill & Sharon Smith serving in Brazil