Our Story

Humble Beginnings
With just eight people in attendance, Beacon Baptist Church held its first service in August of 1977, at the Grange Hall in Clay, NY. Besides Pastor Vic Watkins, his wife, and three small children, there were three visitors: one which came after reading a newspaper ad for the new church, one which came as a result of two weeks of door-to-door canvassing, and the third because of a sign that simply said “Church.” Despite the slow start, God allowed Beacon to be recognized as a Baptist Church in October of that same year. When the church family had grown to about 70 they purchased the property directly behind the Grange Hall in hopes of eventually building their own facility.

Growing Work
Those early years were busy! Pastor Vic’s family was young, he was working full time at New Process Gear and serving as pastor to this fledgling congregation. But in 1982, God enabled him to leave his job at New Process Gear and dedicate his full attention to pastoring the church. Soon after, the congregation began making plans to break ground on the first building. This project proved to be quite a time of faith-building as they saw the Lord supply in marvelous ways. By God’s grace the building was completed with just a modest debt. This was paid off in eight years, with a large gift from Faith Baptist Church of Michigan, Pastor’s home church. God had blessed Beacon with a committed and faithful congregation and soon they gained the reputation of being a strong Bible teaching church. By 2002, God led the church on another faith project as they entered into a building expansion program. By God’s good hand they saw Him provide every need for the project: a “miracle” offering to begin the project, a Christian contractor to manage the job, abundant outside help to support the work, and faithful men who tirelessly worked until the project was complete. That year of construction was a good year but also stretched the church’s faith and taught them some valuable life lessons.

Moving Forward
Over the years of growth, change, and transition, God has established a faithful congregation united by their faith in Christ, love for God’s word, burden for the lost, and heart for world missions. As Beacon looks to the future it is their hope that God will raise up the next generation of church planting pioneers from among their ranks. Thanks for taking a moment to read about our past. As you explore our ministry website would you prayerfully consider if God is calling you to be a part of our future?